Tony has more than 20 years’ experience in garden landscaping & design. He trained at the prestigious Merrist Wood College in Surrey which gave him a broad horticultural and landscaping knowledge as well as the foundation for creating beautifully designed gardens. He spent a number of years in Australia working in the Irrigation industry and also gained a passion for building high quality outdoor living spaces. In his spare time, Tony enjoys fishing, cricket, travelling and chasing round after Stella the dog.
Nick decided to relocate to the Isle of Wight in 2017. His parents and sisters have lived on the island for a number of years so he was already a regular visitor. In 2013, he bought an old property in Ryde and has enjoyed renovating it. The work included redesigning the garden which required extensive landscaping and replanting. Gardening remains one of his main interests along with photography and travel.
Stella is Ambient’s CEO...Canine Executive Officer. She is a cross Springer Labrador so she loves to run and run and bounce...and run some more. Her main responsibilities are digging holes, fetching sticks and generally having fun. Friends call her Wiggles as her tail never stops wagging. Look out for Stella’s blog to find out what we’ve been up to recently.